Микросервисный паттерн: Event-driven architecture (Событийно-ориентированная архитектура)

An e-commerce application that uses this approach would work as follows:

The Order Service creates an Order in a pending state and publishes an OrderCreated event. The Customer Service receives the event and attempts to reserve credit for that Order. It then publishes either a Credit Reserved event or a CreditLimitExceeded event. The Order Service receives the event from the Customer Service and changes the state of the order to either approved or cancelled

Связанные паттерны:

  • The Database per Service pattern creates the need for this pattern
  • The following patterns are ways to atomically update state and publish events:
    • Event sourcing
    • Transactional Outbox
    • Database triggers
    • Transaction log tailing


https://microservices.io/patterns/data/event-driven-architecture.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYtg3WiGHSU